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您当前的位置:首页 » 供应产品 » 75W 6.5" 高保真 吸顶喇叭
75W 6.5" 高保真 吸顶喇叭
产品: 浏览次数:26375W 6.5" 高保真 吸顶喇叭 
品牌: proficient
型号: c605
规格: c605
单价: 830.00元/只
最小起订量: 2 只
供货总量: 100 只
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 5 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2013-05-02 09:57

Ceiling SpeakerThe C605 is our most affordable 6½-inch ceiling speaker. It's a perfect choice for applications where good sound is desired but cost is a major factor. The C605 offers a great combination of sound quality and ease of installation. High sensitivity makes the C605 easy for any amplifier to drive.

Bigger bass, smaller price You'll be amazed when you hear how much sound our most affordable 6½-inch ceiling speaker puts out. Its sturdy polypropylene woofer is the same type found in many high-quality bookshelf speakers. And its ¾-inch soft-dome tweeter sounds surprisingly sweet—no surprise when you learn it was engineered by the same team that designed our top in-wall, on-wall and bookshelf speakers.

The C605's 90 dB sensitivity delivers high output even with low-powered multiroom audio amplifiers, so you can get the same volume with about half the power. The C605's forgiving 8-ohm impedance makes it easy to drive with any amplifier. It also fits into the same cutout as all of our other 6½-inch ceiling speakers do, so it's easy to install.

规格: 6½" 聚丙烯低音单元,3/4" 软球顶高音单元


声压级:90dB 1W/1m

功率:75 Watts

直径 x 深度:9¼" x 3-5/8" 

频率响应: 45Hz - 20kHz

