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单路 视频抗干扰器 (一对)

品牌: 迪迈斯
单价: 面议
发货: 付款后 2 天内发货
所在地: 广东 深圳市

品牌 迪迈斯 型号 DMV103A
类型 视频抗干扰器
DMV-103A视频抗干扰器安装使用说明书Non-Interference with image Manual一、产品应用范围:(Product Apply To:)本产品主要适用于电梯、医院、路口、厂区等各种环境,防止监视視頻传输过程中受到各种强烈电磁信号及电波信号(如电机、马达等大功率的瞬间启动电流干扰等)对視頻信号的干扰。This kind of product applies to elevators、hospitals、an intersection、factories etc. , avoiding any interference to the process of monitoring the image from any kind of furious electromagnetic signal and electric waves signal.使用本产品能有效抑制干扰,解决視頻影像抖动、扭曲、斜波纹等问题。确保視頻讯号于恶劣环境中的传输品质稳定,并可增长視頻传输距离。When you using this kind of product , you can restrain the interference effectively and you can solve the problems about the jiggle、the swirl、the ripple with the images. To ensure the stability of the signals’ transmitting quality in the bad environment , and increasing the distance of the images transmitting.二、产品使用参数及注意事项:(Product Use Parameters and Attention Matters).发射机额定工作电压为DC12 V,接收机无需使用工作电源,只要正确接好线即可正常工作。(Transmitter running voltage is rated at DC12 V, receiver don’t need working power, it will work normally if right connect the wire ).視頻接收端的4档亮度调节开关是用来调整图像亮度、对比度及清晰度的,调整方式有4x4=16种组合方式。(Video receiving end of the four stalls brightness adjustment switch is used to adjust image brightness, contrast and definition, adjusting style contain 4x4 = 16 kinds of combinations)本产品出厂亮度调节开关的参数打在第2档的位置,您也可依现场实际状况自行调整。(This product factory brightness adjustment parameters of a switch in the No. 2 stall position, you also can enjoy the scene actual situation of self-correction)技术规格:
输入电源(power in)DC12V± 10% 
输出电源(power out)DC12V± 10%0.3A
視頻信号极性(signal polarity)  正极性
視頻信号制式(signal standards)NTSC / PAL
視頻输入(images in)75Ω1.0Vp-p复合視頻信号
視頻输出(images out)75Ω1.0Vp-p复合視頻信号
視頻增益(images profit)0dB± 1dB
視頻频宽(images bandwidth)10MHz(±3dB)
工作环境(working environment)0℃~45℃
消耗功率(consuming power)<10W
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