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供应迷你声控舞台灯 毛毛虫激光灯 (最新产品)(实拍图)

品牌: 镭拓
单价: 面议
发货: 付款后 3 天内发货
所在地: 广东 广州市

是否提供加工定制 品牌 镭拓
产品类型 迷你激光灯 型号 LT
防护等级 Class III A 光源类型 激光
光源功率 0.05(W) 电压 110-240(V)
主要适用范围 婚庆、迪厅、舞厅、酒吧、KTV包厢、家庭、朋友聚会、晚会、家庭舞会迪厅
迷你舞台灯拆箱检查感谢您购买本公司的激光产品,请在使用前仔细阅读本说明书,说明书包含重要的安全建议信息和用户操作说明,请严格按规程操作,以免误用而导致人身安全或损坏灯具。在收到产品时,请小心取放;检查产品是否有运输而可能造成的损坏;并检查纸箱内以下所有配件:1.激光灯一台2.交流适配器一个3.说明书一份4.三脚架一个5.遥控器一个功能介绍开机:当接上电源打开开关时,可以看到墙上或地上有各种如满天星星一样的红、绿光点,光点会不停的变化。1.转速:可以调节电机转速调节按键来调节光点变化速度。当第一次按下Motor按键,电机转速减慢1/2,光点呈柔和转动状态;当第二次按下Motor按键,电机停止转动,光点会固定不动;当第三次按下Motor按键,电机回到初始转速,光点在被照射物上快速移动。2.频闪:可以调节频闪按键来调节光点的闪烁频率。当第一次按下Stroboflash按键,光点以0.5s的间隔时间闪烁;当第二次按下Stroboflash按键,光点以1s的间隔时间闪烁。当第三次按下Stroboflash按键,光点回到初始状态,保持常亮。3.声控:可以选择声控按键,切换到音频控制模式。当第一次按下Music Auto按键,“咪头”就会感应音频的高低控制舞台灯光的亮与灭。4.遥控:可通过配套遥控器,控制舞台灯的相关功能。注意事项
    本灯具激光危险等级为Class III B,直接在光束内观察有危险。该灯具对电源要求110-240V/50-60HZ,若超出此范围,建议使用稳压设备,否则将严重影响激光寿命。
Mini Laser Stage Light User ManualThank you for using our products .For the sake of safety and better operation of this stage light, please read this manual carefully before using and operating it, lest incurany personal injury or damage to the stage light.Package List:1. Stage Light 1PC 2. AC power supply 1PC 3. Owner’s Manual 1PC 4. Tripod 1PC 5. Remote control 1PCBasic Operations:Power On: connect to power, press ON/OFF button to make the stage light work.Power Off: press ON/OFF button to turn it off when the stage light is at work.1.Speed adjustment: press MOTOR button firstly, the rotating speed slows down; press secondly, motor stops rotating; press thirdly, motor speed recovery to the initialsetting.2.Strobe function: press STROBOFLASH button firstly, the laser will flicker every 0.5 second; press secondly, the laser will flicker every 1 second; press thirdly, thelaser will be on steadily.3.Audio control: press MUSIC AUTO button, enter the Audio control mode, the laser flickers with the rhythm of the music. press again, return to automatic mode.4.Remote control: the supporting remote control can control related functions of the stage light.Notice:1.Please operate the stage light according to the manual strictly.2.This unit is intended for indoor use only and should be prevented from water, moisture and shake.3.The working temperature of this unit is 15~30°C, and it must be powered off after continuously working 2 hours to let the laser diode cool down.4.To keep the body of this unit clean to avoid any unnecessary troubles.5.Do not turn on and off it frequently and try to avoid making it worked for a long time.6.Do not use the telescope to watch the laser rays, otherwise will be largen the dangers.7.You had better use the original package during the transportation.Warnings:1.The grade of the laser for it is Class lllB, and will be dangerous if exposure to the eyes directly.2.The working voltage is AC110~ 240V/50-60HZ,once exceeded this range its lifetime will be shorten.Statement:All the stage light are examined strictly before shippment, in that case the user should operate it according to the manual strictly. we and the distributor will not beresposible for any mistakes cause by the wrong operations.Specification:1. Power: AC power supply input AC110 ~ 240V / 50 ~ 60Hz, output DC5.0V/ 1A.2. Laser generator: wavelength 532nm, power 50mw; wavelength 650nm, power 100mw.3. Dimension: 120 * 92*52mm.4. Weight: 0.5 KG
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