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ZSTZ-15喷淋头 消防洒水玻璃球喷头(上喷)(图)

品牌: -
单价: 面议
起订: 15000 个
发货: 付款后 3 天内发货
所在地: 广东 广州市

品牌 - 型号 4FEN
风压 P(Pa) 风量 -(m3/min)
喷液量 -(L/min) 泡沫剂浓度 -(%)
功率 -(Kw) 适用范围 -
重量 -(kg) 类型 消防喷头
发泡量 -(m3/min) 外形尺寸 -(mm)
泡沫稳定时间 -(min) 泡沫倍数 -
该喷头是湿式自动喷水灭火系统组成的一个关键部件,通常安装于有火灾危险的轻危险级、中危险级、严重危险级的建筑物或构筑物内,如:车间、仓库、宾馆、商场、娱乐场所、医院、影剧院、办公楼及车库等场所。  该喷头主要由喷头架、密封件及玻璃球组成。通过管网安装于防护区内,具有探测火灾及自动喷水灭火的作用。当防护区发生火灾使环境温度升高时,玻璃球内的液体受热膨胀,达到玻璃球动作温度后,就会爆破,于是密封件脱落,喷头开启并按设定的洒水形状喷向保护区进行灭火。
Brief introduction and application
Sprinkler is an important part of wet-type auto spraying system. It is usually installed inside the building and structures with light fire danger, medium fire danger and heavy fire danger, such as workshop, warehouse, hotel, shop, recreational place, hospital, cinema, office building and garage. The sprinkler is composed of sprinkler frame, sealant and glass bulb. It is to be installed in the protective district via ductwork, acting as a fire detector and auto sprayer. In case of fire inside the protective district, the atmosphere temperature rises up and the liquid inside the glass bulb expands after being heated and explodes after reaching the operating temperature of the glass ball. The sealant drops and the sprinkler sprays to the protective district for fire extinguishments subject to the preset shape of spraying.
Main technical performance and parameters
Description:Common sprinkleInstallation:Upward or downward splashing discFlow coefficient k:80Sealing test pressure (MPa):3Thread:R1/2
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