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发布信息当前位置: 首页 » 产品 » 计算机网络产品 » Modem »

大量供应PCI/USB 56K Modem 调制解调器型号齐全

单价: 面议
起订: 500 片
发货: 付款后 1 天内发货
所在地: 广东 深圳市

品牌 MODEM 型号 56K
类型 ADSL Modem 安装方式 内置
接口类型 PCI 传输速率 56KKbps
网络标准 ADSL 芯片 Conexant(Rockwell)
OEM 可OEM 质保 一年
产品名称:PCI 56K Fax Modem产品描述:内置式56K调制解调器,采用SMARTLINK2801原装芯片,是一款高性能全软的调制解调器。特有的MODEM HELP控件,能迅速诊断调制解调器上网的常见故障。产品特征:主芯片 CONEXANT-41类型普通拨号调制解调器类别内置型接口类型PCI传输速率56Kbps传输协议V.90/K56flex传真/协议V.17,V.29,Group 3,Class 1语音功能语音信箱,自动回复主要功能拔号上网,自动收发传真操作系统windows 98/2000/xp/vista兼容性:兼容AT和扩展AT命令集Product Features:With data transfer functions (send and receive fax more than Windows XP systems only); support for the latest agreement v.92Fully supports the PnP function, and ease of installationDo not be afraid to send and receive fax never received a junk fax the information to print out, as long as the computer becomes a precedent, it can send and receive fax anywhere.Built-in 56K modem, using SMARTLINK2801 original chips, is a high-performance all-software modem. MODEM HELP-specific controls, to quickly diagnose common faults of the Internet modem.Supports V.90,V.92 communication protocolEasily selects and avoid dropping lineComplies with PCI 2.2 criterionSupports advanced power managementSend and receive V1.7 14400bps faxIntegrates excellent modem technologyPowerful lightning proof design and high-voltage lightning proof tubeHigh integrated design and more stable performanceConnection speed rate up to 33600bps
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