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标王 热搜: 弱电  综合布线  弱电工程  监控  门禁  消防  防雷器  lexuzbox  电线  智能 


单价: 面议
起订: 1 套
库存: 88 套
发货: 付款后 2 天内发货
所在地: 广东 广州市

是否提供加工定制 设备名称 供水设备
型号 AOK 额定容量 45(L)
规格 56 额定输出功率 56(kw)
电压 898(V) 冷却方式 8956
运行方式 56 保护功能 564
显示 666
联系人:田先生联系电话:020-62241517手机:13825155234广州奥凯环保科技有限公司是一家专业从事水处理成套设备和自动化控制系统生产、销售、安装为一体的高科技民营企业。先后通过了ISO9001质量管理体系及进出口贸易认证。 成套设备事业部主要从事纯水处理、中水回用、无负压(恒压) 供水、自动化控制系统、变频节能改造、机电安装等系统工程的设计、安装、调试、维修及成套设备的生产、销售。公司汇集一批多年从事水处理及工业控制系统方面的专业技术人才,为公司产品提供了有力的技术质量保障。 Guangzhou A-OK Whole Equipment Co., Ltd. is one professional high-tech private enterprise in manufacturing, selling, installation of water treatment whole equipment and automatic system. No only we have gotten the ISO9001quality management system license to make sure that all our products are manufactured in this standard but we got the export trade certificate as well. Our whole equipment business department is professional in design, installation, adjusting, fixing, manufacturing and selling of whole equipment in pure water treatment, gray water reuse, none-negative-pressure (stable pressure) water supplying, automatic control system, the reform of frequency conversion energy saving equipment and mechanical-electrical installation. Our company accumulates the talent and experienced technical people who rich in polluted water treatment and industrial water control system field, they are the solid guarantee of our quality
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