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发布信息当前位置: 首页 » 产品 » 舞台灯光 照明 » LED亮化灯 »

厂家供应LED点光源 工程亮化灯 外墙装饰灯 Ф50mm内控 12珠

单价: 9.00元/只
起订: 100000 只
发货: 付款后 2 天内发货
所在地: 安徽

是否提供加工定制 类型 LED装饰灯
型号 oy-36-220 外径尺寸 100(mm)
灯光颜色 彩色 材质 pc
供电电压 220(V) 功率 3(W)
光通量 100(LM) 寿命 6000(H)
封装工艺 直插式
天长市欧亿照明电器有限公司全国招商热线:0550-7778400 18949472600 QQ:1873999188材质:铝合金底座,PC外罩光色:七才彩/单色产品规格:∮60/90/120/150/230mmLED功率:≦3W防护等级:IP65工作环境温度:-40°C—+80°C工作电压:DC12/24V/220V防护等级:IP65Material: aluminum base, PC enclosuresLight color: seven color/color onlySpecifications: for 60/90-120/150/680 mmLED ≦ 3W power:Protection class IP65:Work environment temperature: - 40 ° C + + - 80 ° CWorking voltage 24V / 220V: DC12 /Protection class IP65: 应用在幕墙勾勒建筑的物体表面,有你需要的效果或动画,每个节点都可以被单独编址,它可在任何节点在任何时候为任何颜色,也可按客户自己的要求专门定制间距,可以太网脱机控制,紧凑的尺寸允许离散安装,它适合作为近距离高分辨率的密集灯光源,在各种商业销售环境中,用于自由设计的造型灯光系统.重点照明、周边照明或作为定制灯具的组件,也适合做户外招牌的高分辨率显示光源,如在艺术展示环境中,用于展品呈现的背景灯光系统,幕墙。 In the application of surface outline of building curtain wall, you need to effect or animation, each node can be alone, it can be addressing in any node at any time, for any color, can also according to customer's own requires special customized spacing, can control, Ethernet weaning compact size, it is suitable for installation of discrete allowed as close to the high resolution, dense light source in various business sales for free design environment, the modelling of lighting system. Focus lighting, lighting or as customization lamps and lanterns around the component, also suitable for outdoor signs of high resolution illuminant, such as in the art exhibition in the environment of background, used for lighting system exhibits, curtain wall.
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