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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2012-03-01  浏览次数:580

等截面叶片 constant chord blade

变截面叶片variable chord blade

叶片投影面积 projected area of blade

叶片长度 length of blade

叶根 root of blade

叶尖tip of blade

叶尖速度 tip speed

浆距角 pitch angle

翼型 airfoil

前缘 leading edge

后缘tailing edge

几何弦长 geometric chord of airfoil

平均几何弦长 mean geometric of airfoil

气动弦线 aerodynamic chord of airfoil

翼型厚度 thickness of airfoil

翼型相对厚度 relative thickness of airfoil

厚度函数 thickness function of airfoil

中弧线 mean line

弯度 degree of curvature

翼型族 the family of airfoil

弯度函数 curvature function of airfoil

叶片根梢比 ratio of tip-section chord to root-section chord

叶片展弦比  aspect ratio

叶片安装角setting angle of blade

叶片扭角  twist of blade

叶片几何攻角 angle of attack of blade

叶片损失blade losses

叶尖损失tip losses


迎风机构orientation mechanism

调速机构 regulating mechanism

风轮偏测式调速机构 regulating mechanism of turning wind rotor out of the wind sideward

变浆距调速机构regulating mechanism by adjusting the pitch of blade

整流罩 nose cone

顺浆 feathering

阻尼板spoiling flap

风轮空气动力特性 aerodynamic characteristics of rotor

叶尖速度比 tip-speed ratio

额定叶尖速度比 rated tip-speed ratio

升力系数 lift coefficient

阻力系数 drag coefficient

推或拉力系数 thrust coefficient


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